083 643 3024 info@a2zwalls.co.za

Our experience encompasses all aspects of perimeter walling and we are well equipped to advise and assist you with any of the following walling needs you might have.
Services include: Plastered Pre-cast, New walling, Wall Extensions, Wall repairs, Painting.

We attribute our success to our highly skilled and dedicated workforce who has been with the company since day one. Our workmanship is of the highest standard and we pride ourselves on our customer service which is second to none. Accompanying every quotation is a reference list with customer names whom you may contact for an unbiased opinion.

Walling Facts

Just acquired a new property, busy renovating or are considering selling? Well, don’t make the same mistake so many property owners make on a daily basis. Don’t forget about those perimeter walls!

Home and business owners alike will 9 out of 10 times put all there resources and funds into the main dwelling when it comes to selling or renovating a property but then neglect one very important aspect namely the perimeter walls. We tend to forget that this feature forms part of the overall property but it rarely gets the attention it deserves. The perimeter walls of a property perform two very important functions. Firstly, it adds to the overall aesthetics of the main dwelling and secondly it forms the first line of defense in the overall security system of the property.